Thursday, March 22, 2012


i was talking with my flatmates at the kitchen after helping mek and yana with their superlicious asam pedas and fried carrot
and they started talking about their secondary schools
and i was like... floating my memory back to those days

my school
my precious maahad mahmud alor star :)

walaupun tak mewah macam sekolah lain
tapi i never thought of tukar sekolah
i dont know why, but with our poor condition
i still found the ambiance was so lovely
i love my days there
mungkin berkatnya sekolah tu kan
banyak ulama' dari situ :)

nak mandi pun kena tunggu air 'naik'  [old maahadian je paham ni. new generation tobat tak paham dah]
kadang2 tengah malam warden bagi balik sebab air tak dak (yeayyyy!)
nak pi class kena jalan jauh
food pun tak mewah
satu dorm 20 orang [mind you, dorm tu ialah size class biasa yang converted jadi asrama]
toilet kadang2 kena pinjam 'bilik air mak lang' [how far!!!! with pail and towel..]
dewan makan? no, we called it canteen
with the rules yang for me were sangat pelik hahaha
what else? banyak lagi la..

walaupun time mula2 masuk dulu i cried every night
talking to makayah's photo, told them how i missed them, said 'good night' and kissed the photo :) [hah i still do it now! the talking and kissing parts].
hahaha tapi lucky me, makayah came to visit me every monday, thursday and saturday
so i didnt have to do my laundry [semua kirim balik. bila dapat balik mak dah siap iron semua. perfect!]
and being the lovely parents, my makayah are, food memang banyak!!!
so i didnt go to canteen for food
i paid the yuran asrama
but never touched the food
sampai ada budak2 bengong pi report kat ustazah
so kena panggil why i was being fussy tak makan food canteen?
time tu being rude sikit, i talked back and so just ignored it
that time, i would rather eat roti gardenia with chocolate spread (nutella la favourite kan!)
from form 1-5 that was my routine
i got my own breakfast (roti + hot choc. oh i even brought an electric kettle and cadbury hot choc)
walaupun tak boleh bawak kettle
tapi what to do kan..
so the whole day my makanan ruji was roti gardenia, butter cookies and bun [oh i love the cocunut bun from a bakery at simpang kuala! marvellous]
oh maybe thats why bila dah kat sini
tengok roti dah macam tak minat, nutella pun kurang
mungkin after 5 years asyik makan benda tu, so now dah cemuih

but the most anticipated days would be that 3 days la
makayah bawak nasik, cucur badak, karipap, keria, teh ais, stock food untuk 2-3 days, air kotak etc
but not for me alone la
my best friends ngan budak2 dorm sure dapat punya
thanks a lot makayah :)
mungkin ni antara sebab i can survive happily there
eh b.caq also played important role tau
kalau makayah tak boleh mai
he definitely came, sometimes with little aiman and adam too
sometimes ayah mai yesterday and today tetiba b.caq pulak mai
how lucky!!! also he came with food la
hahaha at that time (form 1-5) was my zaman kegemukan maximum!!!!

tapi still there were plenty of bad memories there
gaduh ngan senior, junior, kawan2, kena panggil ngan warden, gaduh ngan warden, kena tukar dorm, handphone kena curik [fine la memang tak boleh bawak] etc la
tapi memang banyak

haih apa2 pun i love la my maahad!!!

3 comments: said...

agreed with the stupit rules.
-junior kene turun bawah pakai kain.seluar xleh.
-jmpa kak senior klo xbg slm nnti kene la pndg slack.
-xleh sandar kt dinding surau nnti amik hak org lain.
-etc etc.

i rasa rebel gila. maki dlm hati xyah ckp a kan.

these pengawas (esp perempuan) so called cm bagus were so annoying i cudnt give them any ** adei..

worst case, these one pengawas, she were so poyo bg arahan 'girl cant bagi2 surat kt budak lelaki ye..salah!'
knw what? end up she's the one dok tuka2 phone number with guys..siap ckp kt org lain jgn bgtau kema tau..sbb i dok sblah dia kt kelas.
what a disgrace.

xpsl2 emo ingt kesah immature ittew~

Anonymous said...

fini..ang mmg xmkn mkanan kat kantin pun..hehe..kena ngan wrden 2 perkara biasa..kita kan budak2 nakl skit time 2..rindu zaman dok asrama..kan3?

LynnAiza said...

ps:maaf.komen panjang.warning siap2.hahaha

homaiiii!gelak2 i baca entri ni!hahahahhah.osemmmm.rinduuuu gila semuaaa.flashback habisss!

-yaaa.tunggu air naikkkkk!gila fenatttt pepagiii.
-bilik air mak lang.afini akib plg gemar mandi situ!haha.ingat baldi pink.towel pink.gegerrlll. *my baldi-YELLOWWWW.sampai skrg guna lg.ada kat rumah sewa ni.hahahha.
-yes you.paling jaranggg nampak dlm kantin.kalau ada tu kira mmg bertuah laaa..hahhahha.

-part kiss&talk to pic mak ayah,i saksi!hahaha.masuk f1 dah otai.dok katil bawah sebelah AFINI AKIB.mmg holiaooooo takpa.senior sebelah katil rajin.amik tempias.
-mekasih pakcik makcik bawak makanan kat afini.budak2 dorm semua kenyangggg tiap2 mggu.hahhaa.

-bad memories?me oso hv.panggil dgn warden sbb buli-eye-contact dgn geng.kahkahkahkah.padahal tadak apa pon.hewwww...

psss,part conteng tilam takdak?hiks! xoxo